Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) Recuperative Thermal Oxidizers Catalytic Oxidizers Concentrator / Adsorption Systems Heat Recovery / Heat Exchanger

Thursday 30 March 2017

How Industrial Thermal Oxidizer Helps in Pollution Control?

Thermal oxidizer is one of the essential components of air pollution control mechanisms used by chemical plants across the world. Air pollution control systems having thermal oxidizers are used across industries.The primary job of this device is to eliminate hazardous gases and gaseous chemicals from the process stream of a plant.

The decomposes gases under a very high temperature and pressure, before releasing them freely into the atmosphere.The use of industrial thermal oxidizer helps the processing unit to ensure that they are releasing no harmful gases in the environment and keeping up with the government norms.

There are different types of oxidizers, such as catalytic oxidizers, that follow completely different process to destroy air pollutants.To be specific, catalytic oxidizers use catalyst to carry out the oxidation procedure.

This is how thermal oxidizer helps eliminate air pollutants –
  • There is a robust, high-pressure air fan that pushes exhaust stream (airflow packed with gaseous and chemical elements) into the thermal oxidizer.
  • Technically, this gas flow is sent into an energy recovery canister.
  • From there, the flow is directed into a heat exchanger unit, where a strategically placed ceramic medium absorbs heat being carried by the airflow.
  • Then, the air is sent into a combustion chamber, which has a very high temperature – which is required for accomplishing the oxidation process.
  • It is the combustion process, where the pollutants and gaseous elements are removed from the airflow, before it is released into the atmosphere.
By ensuring that you are using a good-quality thermal oxidizer at your plant, you can limit the release of pollutants in environment, thereby, contribute in making a cleaner and safer to live environment.

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